App Rail
A side navigation rail component
import { AppRail, AppRailTile } from '@skeletonlabs/skeleton';
Anchor Tiles
Use tag="a"
to convert any tile to an anchor link, then append
href, target, rel, and other attributes as needed.
Page State
The simplest way to update the active anchor link is to pass a derived store that takes its value from $page.url.pathname.
The store value will be compared to the href
attribute of each tile if no value
attribute is provided.
import { page } from '$app/stores';
import { derived } from 'svelte/store';
const selected = derived(page, $page => $page.url.pathname);
<AppRail {selected}>
<AppRailTile label="Home" href="/">(icon)</AppRailTile>
<AppRailTile label="About" href="/about">(icon)</AppRailTile>
<AppRailTile label="Login" href="/login">(icon)</AppRailTile>